Hive & Tribes | Optimizing Curation with @curation-cartel

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I have been wanting much more to optimize my tribe curation forever getting some real passive returns from it but never really found the time until today. This is a small initial report on trying out the @curation-cartel delegations which is a much-needed initiative for someone like me in this Hive ecosystem.

Honestly, I never really liked the manual (or automated) curation system of tribes because it's fully linked to hive upvotes (with a potential multiplier) which makes it crazy complicated and time-intensive requiring users to make multiple accounts. I'm personally also not the most socially active on reading and commenting all too many posts but I do highly enjoy making content using it as a way to improve on what I'm personally doing in terms of Betting / Crypto / Play2Earn. I know at least some enjoy my content and have gotten to know a lot of like-minded people along the way thanks to having a blog.

I really liked the original @monster-curator initiative which helped me pull the trigger on cost-average investing into SPT way back while it was cheap (Link) as it provided good passive income while the curation by the team also made the front page look nice rewarding bloggers that were actually putting in the effort.

I also got a big bag of SPORTS tokens back in the day as that is my main topic and I created a curation account for that (@costanza.sports) putting in some Auto-curation upvotes using but I haven't logged into that account for ages though just because there are so many other things high on my priority list.

The same people behind @monster-curator started the @curation-cartel which pretty much does the same thing for most tribes allowing users to delegate their Tribe tokens doing the curation for them paying out most of the curation rewards passively. (See Post)

I tend to just keep the Tribe Tokens I'm earning from my content and I staked some more of them now delegating nearly all to the curation accounts and I will see how it all goes going forward.

Tribe TokenCuration AccountAmount DelegatedValue
SPT@monster-curator2 Million4772$

The biggest by far remain SPT on which my initial investment has been paid back multiple times. I had not sold SPT in a while and had over 200k SPT in my account from passive returns which I staked and added to my curation just to have an even number. I do assume that the team will come up with an extra use-case after the SPS airdop is over otherwise it will for sure come down hard which I'm fine with.

I'll see if I can delegate more of these tokens along the way and I will likely start taking some weekly profit on SPT as I'm pretty over-invested. I will likely bring an update next month or so with my initial exprerience. I also plan to put some more time in re-adjusting my Hive auto-curation tomorrow and try to do some more manual curation along the way .

Play2Earn Games I'm currently Playing...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


And here comes the curation-cartel for YOU. !1UP

Doing well with SPT there..... I did have 1M sold most of it now and bought oneup, I honestly can't see there being too much of a use for it after SPS....

I might be wrong of course.

Your LEO would be better off pooled with something on one of the Cub platforms maybe?

I still anticipate the devs giving extra use cases for Splinterlands assets like SPT and DEC after the airdrop is over.

For as far as the cub platforms go, they personally never really clicked for me and I'm kind of leaving them on the side (so many things in crypto, you can't be in every single one)

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Introducing NFT for Peace
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You have received a 1UP from @flauwy!

The following @oneup-cartel family members will soon upvote your post:
@monster-curator, @oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @ctp-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @neoxag-curator, @pal-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the family on Discord.

Uh! Time to check them and unload some of my tokens then. :)