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RE: The Ultimate Splinterlands FOMO Guide For New Players!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I used to be a Hearthstone player and managed to break loose of it as it did feel like a waste of time chasing the daily quests to get more packs that ultimately were worth nothing.

The main problem I personally see is that, purely as a card game, Splinterlands is the most extreme pay2win trash gameplay experience ever. The real game and skill lie in being able to do well from a rewards point of view while the card game itself is an obligatory gimmick that requires some daily grinding.

Take away the rewards (while still allowing players to trade and sell cards) and pretty much everything will collapse with 95%+ of the player base leaving. If anything blockchain gaming needs to fix this. Make players come for the fun and challenging gameplay with some potential earnings as a bonus instead of having players come just for the earnings and put up with pretty much anything to get those.

I must say that collecting and learning how to play initially did provide me quite some fun in Splinterlands as a game. Nowadays the winner of a match is set before cards are even picked just based on the collection they own. I still highly enjoy everything around the game though but I hope the balancing issues at some point get fixed so there is actually a real battle going on with some skill involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta