Splinterlands | Rebellion Card I Want For Wild (Part #2)

in LeoFinance6 months ago

With Rebellion released for Splinterlands and me still playing in Wild and Brawls, I had a closer look to see which are the ones that I could actually use and might get. This week I'm checking the Fire, Dragon, Earth Splinter cards...

Waiting To Buy Cards...

Cards on the market right now are actually more expensive compared to buying packs based on what they expect to give especially when buying from the secondary market.They inevitably will come down and I am tempted to take the gambe buying some packs since I have a ton of potions. However, when it comes down to buying cards, I'm just waiting for now as I'm still pretty competitive in Wild League without them. From the looks of it after a bit more than a week, there seems to be no major power creep which is a good thing.

Wanted Cards List Gold Level

Some of the prices of the cards I want went up while others went down a bit. I must say it's quite tempting to start acquiring some of them already.

SplinterCardPrice Last WeekPrice Now
NeutalMad Ogre Anarchist38$40$
WaterProphet Rosa78$86$
WaterRaarg Deadblast81$99$
LifeAnachron Bolter54$48$
LifeBera Dallin78$61$

Dragon Splinter Cards

There are 5 dragon cards with 2 Epics and 3 Legendaries and 4 of those having my interest. I generally love to play Dragon Summoners as they give so many extra options.

The game rule where all monsters start poinoned is a really annoying one as there are limited cards that actually have immunity. Just for that along, this cards is worh it especially since it also gets the fly ability making it an instant win when the game rule combo poison/eathquake comes up. The 105$ cost for a level 5 cards however is too expensive while I did but a Level 1 card which already is offers enough to benefit from in the right game rules.

This officially became my first Rebellion card owned and I paid 2.87$ for it which actually is quite expensive for an epic card.

The Runeseer Sevaya especially gets strong thanks to the new Weapons Training dynamics which permanently give cards attack. The set of abilities also is really powerful with 4 of them who are very useful also in battles where only cards up to 4 mana can be used. However, this also comes at a heavy price of 105$ with not really much room to go up in price given the fact that packs are available. Right now there are roughly 1000 copies available.

The main appeal of the Solace Ashinach is that it looks super useful in game rules where monsters up to 4 mana cost are available. The 9 health is really high and the return fire and refelct abilities are bound to do some serious damage especially combined with an amplify ability.

A deck like this instantly comes to my mind and at 45$, the card is actually also affordable.

The Akane is the most expensive card in the sat currently at 209$ ! for a Level 3 but if anything this looks like one of the more fun cards. I can imagine some great cards getting the Ambush ability to attack first in round 0. Especially if they have Opportunity / Double Strike / Piercing. or if game rules allow Melee monsters to attack from any position. If you are able to kill 1 or 2 monsters of the opponent instantly, it generally puts you in a winning spot since those are unable to do any damage at all.

Giving these 2 cards with Ambush would be really powerful in game rules where they are able to attack from any position and I really want to try that out some day.

Earth Splinter Cards

I have been trying to get my Immortalis Summoner to work but so far always failed as I too much rely on the magic attacks that I'm used of when playing Obsidian. So having an extra Ranged monster like the Gobson Sniper might be useful even though it also isn't crazy powerful. This one is also useful when all monsters get blast as it has the Snike ability. and the cripple also will do extra damage. Best thing of all is that a level 6 now only costs around 18$

The Blackmoor Numph is another one with the needed Immuniy ability and I would buy it at level 1 if there was no such thing as starter cards. The Snare ability is by far one of the weakest in the game so the only reason to get it to level 6 is the 2 magic damage instead of 1 which is a big deal. However 31$ is just too much to have it as an option for very specific rule sets.

This card reminds me of the Diemonshark from the Water Splinter out of the Chaos Legion Set. For a 7 mana cost it's nice to have 9 health + 8 Armor and the trample + torns abilities. However, I have anough options available there which makes it so that a card like this is no real priority. At 15$ for a level 6, it's also very affordable and I would say a nice option for newer players.

Fire Splinter Cards

Fire with both the Beta and Choas Legion Summoners is a melee class so having and extra Melee monster with sneak and some more abilities would actually be nice to have.

However, at a 70$ price tag for a level 8, it's just way too expensive for me.


There are actually more cards in the Dragon, Earth, Fire splinter than I anticipated that I wanted. So far I just bough 1 single Epic card especially for the Immunity/Fly ability combo. Aside from that, most of the monsters at gold level are still too expensive for me to get into so I'm waiting it out for now even tough at some point I might pull the trigger to buy my first leveled up card.

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You pointed out some good Rebellion cards that can strengthen formations based on the rule plays. I would add one more to the list that I am playing even if not owned - HELHEIM DEMON. It has powerful high mana magic and also attract hits through Taunt, while other monster can do serious damage.

Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12