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RE: After Paid

So much truth here.

I started a conversation with @ura-soul some time back that is closely related. The underlying cause for the state of affairs you describe is a lack of proper ethical guidance at a fundamental level in our social/political/economic system. Until such time that we make a conscious choice to change this critical failure no lasting or meaningful change can occur in our current system.

I have written an e-book on this matter titled Function and Dysfunction in America (on Amazon). In short the means to accomplish this change is a Constitutional Amendment that formally acknowledges that the Categorical Imperative is THE ethical foundation of Law and Government, as established by the Inalienability of Rights in our Declaration of Independence. Taking this step would actually mandate changes in our system (including economics) that would rectify all of the issues your article so correctly identifies.

One of the great benefits of Crypto and Blockchain (and in particular Hive) is the potential to achieve this very challenging change. Thanks for an awesome opening to possibility. Yet another great post.

Blessed be.


The underlying cause for the state of affairs you describe is a lack of proper ethical guidance at a fundamental level in our social/political/economic system.

I don't think people think much on ethics these days. I guess it is partly due to the compartmentalization of behavior and seeing ourselves as disconnected individuals who have the right to do what is in our best interest, no matter what.

One of the great benefits of Crypto and Blockchain (and in particular Hive) is the potential to achieve this very challenging change

As more people get involved, they will essentially be forced into considering what they have been encouraged to turn a blind eye to so far.

Interesting times ahead!