Another good reason to stack CTP token: Participate in the CTP Power Up Challenge

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

This post can also be read in Portuguese

I can't get enough of saying that Hive is a place of opportunity, it is here where you can make your dream happen and there are several ways for us to grow that even citing many, I may even forget to say others.

I recently made a post, saying how important it is to have means that make a community always lively and motivated through contest, campaigns, giveaway and other things. We can make money for free just by participating and interacting in these communities. Is there anything better?

Then I discovered that there is a kind of challenge to encourage users to stack our CTP tokens more and more and I found it very interesting, it is the "CTP Power Up Challenge" promoted by @ctpsb, a project managed by @achim03 and we know how much our friend @jongolson is always concerned with making the CTP community grow stronger and more united.


Basically you enter a kind of competition and every week, @ctpsb will make a report showing our performance and how much we stack our CTP. As I understand it so far, around 100 CTPSB tokens will be distributed to all stakeholders at the end of each month. Want to know more about CTP Swarm Booster? Read here.

*The prize money of 100 CTPSB tokens is distributed proportionally to the amount of CTP tokens staked. The bigger your part in the general power up, the bigger your prize money. These amounts will change until the end of the challenge.


The reader friends already know that I like to invest in projects that, in addition to bringing me a good passive income back, can also make the community grow strong and prosperous. This is how I currently delegate part of my HP to @leo.voter accounts and @ctpsb.

Both give me a new source of income passively through their native LEO and CTP tokens respectively, the first one I receive daily while the second I receive weekly, to be more precise, every Sunday I receive my CTP tokens.



Of course, there are countless curatorial projects that I would love to support as well, but for now I am also striving to increase my personal account so that I can somehow help my friends in my curation.

Gradually I will always increase my delegations and I am always on my radar for new curatorial projects to support and share a part of my HP.

It will be fun because I have a personal goal for CTP myself and now I will have more motivation to stack my CTP even more than I earn through my posts.

I will try to earn only organically as I do with most of my tokens that I have as an investment. I am looking forward to starting receiving CTPSB, as I saw on LeoDex that the price is $0.411 and not bad to have it before taking off.

At this point in the challenge I am the 56th, I hope that from this post we can have more competitors and thus have more CTP staked, because the more CTP out of circulation, the greater will be its valuation and thus, the Moon will be closer to our eyes . Let's participate?


Versão em português

Eu não me canso de dizer que Hive é um lugar das oportunidades, é aqui onde você pode fazer seu sonho acontecer e existem diversas maneiras para que possamos crescer que mesmo citando muitas, poderei até esquecer de dizer outras.

Recentemente fiz um post dizendo o quanto que é importante ter meios que fazem uma comunidade se manter sempre animada e motivada através de contest, campanhas, giveaway entre outras coisas. Nós podemos ganhar dinheiro gratuitamente apenas participando e interagindo nessas comunidades. Tem coisa melhor?

Então descobri que existe uma espécie de desafio para estimular os usuários para empilhar cada vez mais nossos CTP tokens e achei bem interessante, é o "CTP Power Up Challenge" promovido pelo @ctpsb, um projeto administrado por @achim03 e sabemos o quanto nosso amigo @jongolson se preocupa sempre em fazer com que a comunidade CTP cresça cada vez mais forte e unida.

Basicamente você entra em uma espécie de competição e a cada semana, @ctpsb fará um relatório mostrando nosso desempenho e o quanto que empilhando nossos CTP. Pelo que entendi até agora, no final de cada mês será distribuído cerca de 100 CTPSB tokens para todos os stakeholders. Quer saber mais sobre CTP Swarm Booster? Leia aqui.

*The prize money of 100 CTPSB tokens is distributed proportionally to the amount of CTP tokens staked. The bigger your part in the general power up, the bigger your prize money. These amounts will change until the end of the challenge.


Os amigos leitores já sabem que eu gosto de investir em projetos que além de poder me trazer um bom rendimento passivo de volta, podem também fazer a comunidade crescer forte e próspera. É assim que atualmente eu delego uma parte do meu HP para as contas @leo.voter e para @ctpsb.

Ambos me dão uma nova fonte de renda passivamente através de seus tokens nativos LEO e CTP respectivamente sendo que o primeiro eu recebo diariamente enquanto o segundo recebo semanalmente, para ser mais exato, todos os domingos recebo meus CTP tokens.

É claro que existem inúmeros projetos de curadoria que eu adoraria também apoiar, mas por enquanto estou me esforçando também para aumentar minha conta pessoal para que eu possa de alguma forma ajudar meus amigos em minha curadoria.

Aos poucos irei sempre aumentar minhas delegações e estou sempre atento em meu radar por novos projetos de curadoria para apoiar e dividir uma parte de meu HP.

Será divertido pois eu mesmo tenho uma meta pessoal para o CTP e agora terei mais motivação para empilhar ainda mais meus CTP que ganho através dos meus posts.

Procurarei ganhar apenas de forma orgânica como faço com a maioria de meus tokens que tenho como investimento. Estou ansioso por começar a receber CTPSB, pois vi no LeoDex que o preço está a $0.411 e nada mal para tè-lo antes de decolar.

Nese momento no desafio sou o 56º, espero que a partir deste post possamos ter mais competidores e assim possuir mais CTP staked, pois quanto mais CTP fora de circulação, maior será sua valorização e assim, a Lua ficará cada vez mais próximo de nossos olhos. Vamos participar?


Thanks for reading so far. If you liked it, give that strength with your upvote and rate me. Feel free to leave a comment .Thanks guys!


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


CTP is an exciting project. I have miners (CTPM) as well as CTPSB, and I delegate to CTPSB and several other projects.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Delegating is another great opportunity to receive good financial returns.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the information, I must investigate how to receive CTP, I am new, but your publication gave me the necessary interest, thank you very much.

Welcome and I hope you can make the most of the opportunities at Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot for this post about the ctp power up challenge! I greatly appreciate.

We have run one such challenge in december and it was a great success. People asked for a second one and it is live now. This second challenge will last until 22nd of february. At this moment we will look at who has staked most CTP coins during this challenge. We will probably do another challenge soon :-)

I am grateful for the recognition and it is always a great pleasure to be able to help publicize the project.

It is good to know that each month is being a great success and so it will not end hahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Stake to make free money? Lovely. Sign me up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can say its an airdrop of CTPSB tokens. The free stuffs are good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really interesting the CTP staking game. I wish I can lay hands on as much as 1k CTP tokens to add to my stake. Receiving CTPSB is a huge reward for staking and anyone who understand the value lurked in CTP tribe should not miss.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is undoubtedly a great opportunity to maximize your CTP earnings. Besides being able to win some CTPSB.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice to see that so many users spreading awareness about it and taking part in it.

It is always a pleasure to help friend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Images here are awesome.

CTP and CTPSB both are nice projects and I am also participating in the challenege....
The achim is putting his good efforts in the project. The powerup Challeneg for sure support the price increase as their will be reduction in liquid supply of token. The price is as increased in last two weeks is awesome..
Its good to see more and more people are participating and also making others aware of challenge with their posts...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True, the incentive will give CTP a big boost and the community will benefit from it.

It is always a pleasure to help publicize the challenges that the community brings us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta