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RE: Save me, please...

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Trying to make it on your own rather than sticking only to a 9-5 job is tough. The idea of security is just a mere illusion. Your job can be gone, your business can fail. Even love... Yeah.. Nothing is 100% sure. But what are we doing about it. That can be a proactive or reactive attitude.
I think it works for the best to develop earlier a strategy of gaining financial independence, not sitting 40 years in a job hoping for the mighty government to give you your retirement money.
I can't agree with people's way of buying what they can't own. Very unproductive. Land, gold and other assets are indeed much more valuable. The illusion of safety makes people sit on their lazy side and not plan for an uncertain future. Which... Is very certain that it is and forever was uncertain.


I think it works for the best to develop earlier a strategy of gaining financial independence, not sitting 40 years in a job hoping for the mighty government to give you your retirement money.

I agree. Financial hygiene is something that should be introduced in childhood, but most of us have been "neglected" in this area, yet we are trained consumers.

The illusion of safety makes people sit on their lazy side and not plan for an uncertain future. Which... Is very certain that it is and forever was uncertain.

This is the certainty for sure - everything changes. People get so accustomed to the status quos in their life, that they forget that they are always volatile, ever evolving and can be destroyed in mere seconds, under the right conditions.

If we do the hard things now we can make our life easier later, that's the way I see it. Unfortunately the financial education of a child is being left in the hands of the parents. And most have no clue themselves. That is why we can still hear "get a good job, a house and be like all the rest"

we can still hear "get a good job, a house and be like all the rest"

Be like all the rest means, get the results all the rest have. Most in the world are struggling.

Sounds so communistic, let's all be equal and do the same thing everybody is doing. This is like a chalk scratching my ears

Sounds so communistic

Yes it does - the majority take this path in a world that is engineered to not support that path economically.

Exactly. I am surprised that people are so blind to this