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RE: Engaging Resource-fully for life

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Good point. I would be monumental indeed to try to succeed only through content alone. Time is very valuable and it must be appreciated and well spent. Investing in the community is the best choice long term. People put a lot of money in useless things, I can't see why not put them in something in which you actually believe in


I can't see why not put them in something in which you actually believe in

A lot of the useless is attractive short-term, like junk food, it feels good now, but mid to long term there are costs no one wants to pay.

That is true, it takes will power to give up bad habits. And longterm thinking is not a forte for most people...But those who do manage to think ahead and cut bad habits, those are trully deserving of the rewards

Investment mindset by default requires preparing for an unknown future. I wish more would at least give it some thought :)

Thinking about the future is no brainer for me. You got to think ahead and have a plan. It is common sense to not let yourself being carried away by life's waves. But of course that this kind of mentality usually comes in time and after you got burned. Smart people learn from their mistakes and apply the change as soon as possible