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RE: Everything is going to be gamed

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

I think abuse is inevitable. It is just human nature to have good and bad traits. Some users turn to being bad apples. Some do not. I believe we should encourage more of what we want, just like you said.

The medium is not going to change people, it will only reveal them in their nature. As they are in that precise moment. Maybe the same bad apple from a platform can be an angel on another one? Who knows, people are fickle. But I do believe that you can't pretend to be something you are not for too long. That is why in the end, a platform will retain the long term players on the long run. Quitters come and go, true players play the game. Just like in real life. The little difference is in the nuances. But the core is there, exposed for others to see. And that is good if you want to grow.

The human mind is inventive, especially when it is about fun.



That is why in the end, a platform will retain the long term players on the long run. Quitters come and go, true players play the game. Just like in real life.

I think this is part of the problem with millennials today, as many do not have the staying power to make it through into even the mid-term - they expect to get what they want within a year, or they walk. They are going to do a lot of walking.

Yes. Walking. Where? Where is their strategy leading them? I don't blame walking, but I wonder about the destination. The same goes with running. Where?

No idea, but I think for many it is off an emotional cliff ;D

Ooooo this is such a good answer 👏