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RE: Breaking the Cycle

in LeoFinance3 years ago

We always seem to be on the same page. I was just reflecting on my financial history as I’ve become more disenfranchised with corporation’s actions in the role I play within them. To summit up I’ve been pretty disappointed with my job. I’m Fortunate to not have kids as I am still relatively young, but I’ve had a strong sense of financial responsibility and have been able to amass a decent retirement portfolio already on a fairly conservative income. I’ve been working for around nine years and still live on the same amount as when I started working the rest has gone into investments, home and paying down debt. I’ve got a small amount on a car and then the house and I would like to pay as much of that off before even considering kids. Ultimately I hope crypto can provide a sense of financial independence where I don’t need to rely on a day-to-day job but have the choice to. That’s my biggest thing we don’t have a choice currently the system just doesn’t want that to be the case so corporations have power over us which means they can provide crappy that if it’s in low paying jobs while increasing their margins and keeping the public consuming their products.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah, it is pretty horrible. I seriously just want to be able to buy my next car with cash or when my wife says "honey, we need new windows" I say "sure, let's get some quotes". When my last truck prematurely died, I just had this overwhelming sense of dread about having to get a loan to get a new one. I even had to borrow money from family, zero interest, but I still hate it. I just hate owing and that is what the whole system is based on. I dig my job. It is pretty great. I mean it allows me to do this all day as a supplement, but I really long for the day when all of my passive crypto income can allow us to do all of the things we dream about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same I’ve been fortunate to be able to take some zero interest loans but again it’s from family. I’ve got a few thousand left on my car and then hopefully I can drive it for a while and take my nonexistent payment and put into an account/investments to pay for the next one. The only way to get rich is to use money salary system does not cut it anymore. Having money makes money.

Yes, that is very true. Good luck with your plans! Hopefully some day we will both be there!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive to $100 would do that.

I'd be on the floor!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta