Web 1.0 To Web 3.0 : Journey To Freeing The Internet

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The invention of internet was supposed to be the revolutionary invention in the human history, it was supposed to be used for the global connectivity, collective growth of human society and to solve the unsolved mysteries of nature. From the past few years the use of internet was so impactful on our societies both good as well as bad, for example the whole world stand against racial discrimination & supported the #BLM movement on the other hand it is claimed that many political parties used social media to change the voters mind in unlawful way.

We've seen both good and bad sides of internet and now the community of some smart minds is working on developing a better internet, as heading said 'Freeing the Internet'. In this article we'll go though the journey of web 1.0 to the currently underdevelopment web 3.0

So let's dive in...!!

World Of Web

Web is important part of the internet and currently few monopolies controls them, they decide the rules and regulations which limits the user activity and they also collect & use their users data without user's concern.

Here we'll go through three phases of web to understand the transformation of web.

Web 1.0

In the initial phase the web was in static condition i.e the users of web can only use it for reading purposes not for writing i.e not for creating their own content. This phase limited the use of consumer to the consuming statically created content without any interactivity, which was changed in the next phase.

Web 2.0

The second phase of web is all about interactivity and users. The web 2.0 lifted the restrictions of web 1.0 and allowed users to create their own content and share in their communities or to the whole world (on platforms like Facebook & YouTube). In other words web 2.0 brought the world so closer that it is said that 'the world is a click away' and the whole world get socialised.

But all these golden positive sides came up with some really dark things, along with the release of web 2.0 the monopolies were began to be created. The platforms, where the people were facilitated to share their content are collecting their user's data and using them for various reasons without user's concern. They generated huge amount of revenue through it and now they're ruling on internet and imposing their rules on us.

Web 3.0

The web 3.0 is the next step towards making the internet free from those monopolies. It is currently still being built so there isn't any specific definition for web 3.0 but we've some things that we're going to discuss so you can project the image of web 3.0 in your minds.

Generally the Web 3.0 refers to an internet that is made possible by decentralised networks, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The main feature of such networks is that there isn't any centralised entity, yet everyone trust the network. That's because the user and the developer has to follow the same set of hard-coded rules, know as consensus protocol.

Another feature of such networks is that they allow the transaction of value or money. The decentralisation and internet money are the two main keys of understanding web 3.0

Who invented Web 1.0?

Similar to the previous versions of webs there isn't any single creator of web 3.0 instead of that, it has grown as the collaboration of individuals and organisations build over each other. Mainly EOS, Ethereum and TRON are considered as the leading ways of the web 3.0

Do You Know ? 💡

One of the most popular library used for development over Ethereum is called as web3.js.

There's a Web 3 foundation, which is run by the founders of Polkadot creators.


If you're asking me about the future of web 3.0 the my answer will be, ' web 3.0 is the future !!'.

People all over the world are asking for the redistribution of power. They don't want that some corporate giants play with their personal data for their greed. Now people are angry and want new solutions and web 3.0 i.e decentralisation is the solution. Many people are working for the better tomorrow, many are joining this great community. So if you're on the side of decentralised world then join and help to grow this decentralised community for the future !!

So guys this is it from my side, hope you guys like this article and found it informative.

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[This is my republished article originally published on other platform]

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