HBD Is The Key Player

in LeoFinance2 years ago


HBD being locked up whether in savings offering 12% or being used as a currency for purchasing items in a game this is all fantastic news. HBD not hitting the markets is actually tying up Hive.

Many things are happening on the Hive blockchain which is leading to much bigger things. Development leads to growth and we cannot complain as what we have been witnessing over the last 18 months has been insane.

Staking Hive is always a good idea if you want to be able to earn more and support others around you. This took on a whole new meaning lately as airdrops are being done against what stake you hold with Ragnarok generously announcing 10% of NFT's against your stake. I never got involved in Splinterlands, but in this case would be foolish to not at least try it out. Who knows maybe there will be a rental market to help others get up to speed quicker.

There are other airdrops coming in 2022 so being a Hive stake holder should be bringing more smiles than normal. Not that we had reason to complain as Hive was great before these announcements.

This morning the play to earn (P2E) game Ragnarok was laid bare and explained how this will unfold.

Ragnarok is Upon Us!

What is important about this is not only is the NFT airdrop for Hive stake holders, but more importantly the use of HBD making another use case. HBD being used in this way purchasing items and then having it locked away never coming back is smart and should benefit the entire blockchain. I never saw this coming 6 months ago and just goes to show how things change so quickly. This all makes perfectly good sense and why HBD is going to play a key role in making Hive more valuable.

I mentioned last week that using HBD as a safe haven for the bear market as the interest of 10% was a great deal. That deal got a whole lot juicier as now if you look at your wallets it is 12% bringing it in line with most other staking projects. The difference is that NBD is a stable coin so it eliminates risk and 12% is still 12% when prices are still plunging around us. A true safe haven with a decent return.

When we look at it in numbers 10 000 HBD would give you $100 worth of HBD monthly which is a passive income. If I converted my Hive stake into HBD currently it would allow me to have $1000 or 1000 HBD monthly which is seriously tempting. If you were just an investor and had no interest in staying busy on the platform you now have choices. Definitely something to seriously consider as you grow your Hive Power as now growing both is the dilemma.

HBD is now becoming something which has never been the case in the past and the end result should see less HBD being swapped for Hive and Hive being swapped for HBD. This end result should see less hive hitting the exchanges creating a liquidity imbalance which is what we have always wanted to see.

Hive at $1.50 is looking more and more appealing as how long can we stay at these levels? It is a good time to be on Hive and even better to be an active member of the community. Where Hive will be in 5 years time is anyone's guess but being valued at $1.50 I don't think so somehow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am also getting som Hive into HBD, the 12% apr is a winner from whatever perspective you look at it.

I hadn't seen the Ragnarok post so thanks for that heads-up, but isn't he the new manager of Man. U ? lol

Hope you're keeping well fella :-)

Lol. Close but not quite as he is Rangnick and according to everyone a temporary fix which I think he may stay. Another Play to earn game is decent as soon just staying busy on here could be a full time thing. You keep well and have a good Christmas.

I just started to look up some HBD in savings as it seems like a pretty save place for some of my cash. Just really a bonus that we got 12% now instead of 10%

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have slowly started as well and have some targets in mind now. What I am trying to do is make sure all comment earnings go into savings. This adds up quickly the busier you are.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice to see you mate, shouldn't you be out skiing or something ? ;-)

Haha all snow have melted here 😅

HBD is a strong cryptocurrency or let's call it stablecoin in the Hive ecosystem. I knew that the Savings returns were at 10% and seeing that now is 12% that is so much sweeter. Having use cases as LPs on TribalDex or within games like Ragnarok will improve the tokenomics from here. And this might be just the beginning...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is how I see it as well. HBD was nothing for such a long time and now having various use cases can only add value to Hive. This is why there are developers and users as I would never have thought of what is happening now as I never understood how it could fit in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

12%? I didn't realize that it had gone up. This is great!

I agree this is good news for the long term as 12% is decent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I can't wait boss

I am locking up HBD every single day… It’s just too appealing and of course it will push up Hive too. We’re in the right place, that’s for sure! I have to look into Ragnarok though, I knew about the airdrop, but apparently now it’s clear how it will work. Looking forward to it!

Great news thanks for sharing!



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My goal right now is to get to the point where I am bringing in at least 1 HBD per day from what I have in savings. Now that they raised the rate up to 12%, it should be much closer than I thought. I am going to have to dig into this new game. I haven't read much about it yet.