Ignore The Games Being Played

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Maybe this is Tit for Tat but games are most definitely being played.

I have no idea what all the other coins are as the only one I recognise in this batch being delisted by Huobi is CRO. It makes no difference to myself as I am not invested in any of these crypto projects. My thoughts are if you believe in a project and are invested all the gams being played should make no difference. Who knows what the real reason for delisting CRO really is and is it really mixed up somehow with FTX which we have heard via various rumors.

The crypto industry most definitely has a need for DEX's and plenty of them as the industry is being dictated and controlled to some degree by centralized thinking. The only reason why we use the exchanges we do is mainly due to lack of choice. Crypto needs to move away from centralised control and this is what is wrong with the majority of the industry as the bulk of the tokens are most definitely centralised. If we think otherwise and are moving away from controls we are sadly mistaken as there are only a few doing this.

The announcement is interesting to note that this happens on the eve of the World Cup where Crypto.com (CRO) is a sponsor. Crypto.com is involved in many sporting events including UFC and Formula One having signage around the race tracks.

There seems to be so much sniping and back stabbing happening amongst various projects in the crypto eco system and this is not healthy. If your project is flawed then the sooner you are forced out and removed the better, but if you are a sound, solid project them there should be no fears. People getting involved in shady projects is always going to happen until they are seriously burned and lose fortunes. There is such along way to go yet as this is still like the wild west and lessons are not being learned, but being repeated over and over.

Crypto projects in social media that make the most noise are the ones we should be wary of as more often than not they are creating noise for some underlying reason. Doing your own research takes on even more importance in times like these as we know crypto has flawed projects everywhere with no use cases. I am not saying CRO is one of them as outside of their exchange Crypto.com does the token have any use. Then the same applies to many others including HT (Huobi Token) and BNB (Binance).

Maybe 4 years ago I would have worried about what I am seeing play out in the Crypto "crazy" world, but I am not bothered anymore. The investments/projects I have chosen are building and developing and all of this is just white noise. These may be setbacks in general to the entire industry as prices drop, but this is too big to fail.

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I am not surprised to see all the politics and fight for power in these companies but I wonder if there is even a need to. I recall seeing a video about CZ saying how the adoption of crypto is like 1% of the total population. Even if you take 1% more share, it's only like 0.01% of the total possible pie.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto will be way bigger than 1% even before mass adoption as we have to get to 20% before we start to see the curve for mass adoption to take place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Games are played based on interest and we are simply pawns on the table. This is why decentralization and DEXes can ensure real growth and free evolution.