Bull Or Bear on Bitcoin?

in LeoFinance3 years ago



From the look of it, it seems that Bitcoin and Alt-Coins are playing the pattern. King Bitcoin makes his move, positioning itself for going on a tear to the upside and alt-coins slowly going down as we all wait in anticipation for a bull run. Then of course, the alt-season kicks in or a massive crash follows.

Will history repeat?

Will it do like 2017? Will Bitcoin go on an epic 3000% move to the upside like it did, only to crash with the same violence? If so, do you have an exit plan? Are you going to HODL through it all or sell, pay the taxman and wait for the crash to come to an end?

What's your exit strategy?

My time horizon with my stash of coins is 10 to 15 years. Everything in the meanwhile is noise. I have been so terrible at trading and timing that I fear to let go of my hard earned coins at the wrong moment. What if we go on a super cycle and go up for years?

Not to be greedy about the potential gain here but it's really hard to have an exit plan for me. What about you?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


For me, I'll just hodl if I had not sold it all before the crash and during the crash (if at all, it will happen) I will buy more, hold until a season like this come back to reality

I am just holding and i will hold untill 100k.

I'll try to find this comment when it gets to 100k and ask you again. Selling when the market is red hot and getting to the moon is very difficult. (I couldn't get myself to do it in 2017)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Simple hodl until it could be a life changing amount

Il y a plusieurs manières de voir:
-Sortir une partie et laisser les PV pour accompagner le mouvement permet d'être plus serein devant son investissement.
-Fonctionner en mode DCA (dollar cost average) : investir la même somme tous les mois et être très long terme. Valable si on réajuste sur les bons projets : qui sait si etherum sera le roi dans 5 ans ou le bitcoin. C'est long dans les cryptos 5 ans.

Bull or Bear?

Vulture! We are in a vulture market.

There is no exit strategy from cryptos.
Cryptos are the exit strategy.

Getting our of fiat will soon be impossible.
But, before than, cash will be king (not the digits you have in the bank account)

Crypto adoption is happening rapidly.
It will seem like only a brief time passed, and blam, everyone will be spending cryptos on lightning networks.

There is one big problem. Bitcoin will retrace 90% at some time...
but, after that, it will never come down again.
(this is probably 90% of $1,000,000)