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RE: How Is The HBD Liquidity Doing? | Data On HBD Trading Volume, Liquidity, Top Accounts On The Internal DEX And Other Exchanges

in LeoFinancelast year

Lol, the stable coin that nobody wants. I've had 138 HBD sitting on the Bittrex exchange trying to sell it for weeks.

Like your figures show above HBD is one huge circle jerk, I tried telling people that actively trying to drive the price down would look like madness from the outside and would scare away investors and voila! Take a bow, you've ruined the coin.


 last year (edited) 

I guess that is like your opinon man....
I think having a stablecoin gives an immensve value for the ecosystem, and we are just two years in with it working properly ... the hive to hbd conversion was added in july 2021... giving hive for a first time an opportunity to take advantage for an increasing deman for hbd .... and just one year with a bear minimum liquidity that the stabilizer is now providing on the internal market ... a few years down the road and thing can be very different

P.S. on the nobody want it note... there is 3000 accounts holding hbd in savings and 5M hbd ...

I have been with this ecosystem since 2016 and you could literally copy and paste answers from then and put it next to your answer and you would see very little difference, except HBD would be SBD.

People have been saying "just be patient" for SIX years now.

P.S. Holding HBD doesn't mean shit if you can't sell it.


This post is all about what is the best place to buy or sell hbd ... bittrex is obviously not .... and you can literaly convert hbd to hive and sell the hive