Gears of will

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Good evening people!

One more small amount staked on my account that grows stronger and stronger, the curation rewards are worth to mention now and help my growth significantly! It was one of my targets after all, a strong account that can be feeded well from curation rewards (which means more rewards for me but also to people that i vote for!), its not in the lvl that i want but i'm very satisfied with my progress on that field.

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Seeing the progress of the platform that is by far the most successful and promising project on HIVE Blockchain, i can only be glad that i'm joined early and be a gear for it's growth. People who believe on the platform are the gears that will roll it into the next level, our faith and support is essential to make the platform grow and evolve even further.


Posted Using LeoFinance


A prime example of how it works.

We are still in the very early stages yet there is a lot happening. We see many who are becoming more active while looking to grow the ecosystem. It is good to see so many staking the tokens in an effort to grow their vote values.

The entire key is simply to keep the account growing ove rtime. As that happens, the vote value goes up, providing the ability to reward others with a bigger slice of the pie.

Hopefully we will see many more joining the party over the next few months and spreading the token distribution out even further.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I see many people joining lately and is quite encouraging, thought i don't know the motives (we need believers) it's always good to see new people around. It's also in our hands to bring more people onboard, @trumpman is a great example of that!

@trumpman was the guy that brought me here also. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance

@trumpman is kicking ass in that department.

True we arent sure of the motives although they are probably secondary at this point. Get people in the door and hope they see the value here.

Over time, with the development that is taking place, we could see people catching on quickly. There is a lot in the works for this platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Keep on stacking those Leo tokens. That's also exactly what I am doing. Slowly building my Leo Power.

Good Luck with your journey!

Posted Using LeoFinance