S&P-500 at its lowest level in a year

in LeoFinance2 years ago


This week, the S&P-500 index futures opened at $4,087 per contract, up from a year ago.

According to Truist, only 16% of investors surveyed are bullish on the stock market, the lowest since 2015. Recession fears are definitely on the rise.

As you may have noticed, in my analysis I often get attached to the currency and stock markets. From the screenshot, you can see how the crypto markets have reacted to the current situation.

As you may have noticed, in my analysis I often get attached to the currency and stock markets. From the screenshot, you can see how the crypto markets have reacted to the current situation.

According to Peter Schiff, President of Euro Pacific Capital Inc, this recession will be much worse than the 2008 recession. O predicts double inflation and, consequently, massive layoffs due to lower consumer spending.

I read marketwatch's recommendations on what to do in this difficult situation and they seemed incredibly reasonable to me.

  1. Pay down debt and build a cash cushion
  2. Rethink upcoming major purchases
  3. Take the emotion out of investing
  4. Automate your finances
  5. Focus on your career

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Yes, any financial transactions must be carried out with a completely "cold mind".