HBD Crypto Quote of the Day - 15 March 2023

"HBD on the Hive blockchain is a game-changer for content creators, enabling them to earn a stable income in cryptocurrency without the volatility and uncertainty of other digital assets." - Andreas Antonopoulos, author and Bitcoin advocate.

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HBD is a great addition on the Hive blockchain for content creators (and not only) who seek to earn a stable income in cryptocurrency. The stablecoin offers a way for content creators to avoid the uncertainty and volatility associated with other digital assets. Content earnings can be rewarded with a 50% split in Hive Power and HBD which is a great way to balance these assets. Hive Power use it for curation and to grow one's assets, while HBD can be put right away into the Savings account for a 20% APR. Equilibrium is ensured with both assets!


#CryptoQuoters is an initiative with the purpose to present memorable crypto quotes that are extracted from the blockchain metaverse from all the good sayings about this revolutionary industry. Here is the Crypto Quote of the Day for 15 March 2023.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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