Arbitrum and Optimism: Airdrop

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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After explaining how airdrops work and the risks involved, we want to share with you a strategy for possible airdrops from Arbitrum, Ethereum's 2nd tier scaling solution, which uses Optimistic Rollup technology.

Initially, you will need approximately $5 in ETH to receive potential airdrops on both protocols.

  1. Bridge the ETH mainnet to Arbitrum Nova using the link.


It takes around 10 minutes for the bridge to be completed, with a gas fee of around US$1.5 in ETH.

Remember to keep some ETH on the mainnet as well.

Bridge over 0.02 ETH.

Okay, now you're on Arbitrum.

  1. Bridge to Arbitrum One using the link.

Pay close attention and ensure that you have selected the L2 Bridge option. This information is at the top of the page, next to the Orbiter logo.

Then select New Arbitrum in the FROM field and Arbitrum in the TO field.

Bridge all available ETH in Arbitrum Nova to Arbitrum.

You will have a cost of approximately US$0.50 and the transfer will take about 1 minute.

Okay, now your ETH is on Arbitrum One.

  1. If you want, you can now return your ETH to the mainnet using the link.

Connect your Metamask and reverse path to Arbitrum Network.

However, if you want to try other possibilities of Airdrop, proceed with this tutorial.

  1. Go to Kromatika, connect your Metamask and change the network to Arbitrum Network.

If you can't find the Arbitrum network, go to chainlist and add the network to your Metamask.


Swap some ETH to KROM, or USDC.

The purpose of this is to generate some trading volume.

Swap back to ETH after one minute.

You now own ETH on the Arbitrum Network.

  1. Bridge ETH from Arbitrum to Optimism using the link


Remember to leave some ETH for the gas fee and select the fastest route by clicking FAST in the AVAILABLE ROUTES tab.

Beauty! From now on, you own ETH at Optimism.

​6. Bridge the ETH from Optimism to the mainnet, using the link


The transaction should take approximately 5 minutes to complete and the gas fee will be approximately US$1.

That's it! You spent approximately $5 in total to make all the transactions, and the airdrop potential is pretty high.

We recommend this strategy of using multiple protocols to increase the chances of being awarded with future airdrops.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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