Tapering into simplicity in Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I just log into my Metamask account to check out my stash in the Ethereum blockchain.

In sum, I still have a couple of hundreds lying in the Ethereum L1 and L2 chains.

After mucking around with it for a few minutes, I decided to just leave it until the merge happens, and when gas fees drop.

Then this came to mind:

What the heck was I doing a few years ago with this complicated Metamask and Ethereum Defi?

Even today, it looks too complicated for me, with the fees and swaps and all.

Although the main narrative then was to get onto decentralized finance to fight the banks! It seems totally unnecessary had I known Hive as it is today!

Honestly, the experience of using Hive beats these DEXes in Ethereum, and even Binance smart chain, hands down.

First, the gas fees issue is close to non-existent in Hive. This makes things easy to use.

Second, what Hive offers in itself is enough. I really didn't need to invest in so many different assets through the Dexes. Growth in projects in Hive would have been enough for me if I want to benefit from the ROIs of the blockchain boom.

Thirdly, we have a community in Hive that discuss and build things together, unlike the complication arising from different blockchain projects competing with each other when I invest in different projects in the Dexes.

In summary, I am officially migrating away from the Ethereum and Binance smart chain, and focusing on my work in Hive.

This is me tapering into simplicity in Hive.

P/S: This is not financial advice, and please do your own due diligence before investing.

If you read this far... and if you are a like-minded Hiver who is on the path to learning more about Hive and crypto investing, and if you like to be tagged when I write such posts, I welcome you to leave a comment below and let me know. We can form an alliance to support each other's growth.

You might be interested in this post, @jacoalberts and @youngkedar98!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We've shared and upvoted your post on @crypto.defrag

thanks! I appreciate it.

Some good food for thought! Thanks for sharing your experience here with us!

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You're welcome! And thank you for the tokens!


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