
in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


The topic for today is going to be Thorchain, a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) that allows for doing swaps between different native cryptocurrencies. And it does it without the use of a wrapped version of the cryptos, it does it directly across the blockchains.

For the usual disclosure, I am not a financial advisor, I don’t even work in finance at all. My day job is as a telecommunications software engineer. Treat everything you read here as some educational resources and not financial advice.

What Is Thorchain

Thorchain was created to allow swapping between native cryptocurrencies, without needing to go through the process of wrapping one of them. This allows you to do things such as swap Bitcoin (BTC) for Ethereum (ETH), without first using a service to convert it to Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC).

It operates similar to how other Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) such as Pancakeswap, by using Liquidity Pools. For more details on how those work, you can click that link for my full article on the subject, but essentially people will provide liquidity in the form of two tokens, This facilitates swaps between the pair which generate trading fees that paid back to the liquidity providers.

It utilizes what it calls the Multi Chain Chaos Network (MCCN), where it has nodes which are plugged into different blockchains to facilitate creating the trading swaps between the native assets there, and it’s native token THORChain (RUNE).

How Does It Work

Thorchain has it’s own blockchain, using a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. It is made up of nodes which have a number of features built in. First, they contain incoming vault addresses, protected by TSS keys, where all the incoming crypto that is getting converted to another is sent. There is also outgoing vaults controlled by each node that are responsible for sending out the crypto on the other side.

They also contain a full node for each of the connected blockchains so they can monitor and create transaction on them. And finally there is the bridging protocol, which they have called Bifrost, which makes the connection between the Thorchain blockchain, and the other networks that are connected.

An Example

The easiest way to piece together how all this works is to walk through an example and see how it all flows together. Let’s say that we have ourselves some Ethereum (ETH) that we are looking to convert into Bitcoin (BTC).

The Ethereum (ETH) would get sent to the incoming vault address for the Thorchain network, where it will be picked up by the Bifrost protocol, and a transaction is created on the network. Once consensus is reached and the transaction is approved and recorded on the blockchain, a swap transaction is created to swap it over to Bitcoin (BTC).

After the swap has been processed, the Bifrost protocol kicks in again and uses one of the outgoing vaults on one of the nodes to create an Bitcoin (BTC) transaction to send the funds over to the users wallet.


On the Thorchain network, staking is referred to as bonding. It also has a very high bar, 1,000,000 THORChain (RUNE) tokens bonded, in order to become a validator, and there is no delegation mechanism to create staking pools. This also helps to protect against bad actors, as it is harder to get an excessively large staked pool by collecting delegations. There is also a slashing mechanism to act as another safeguard.

The validators are setup into two different pools, active and standby, and through a process called churning, they are swapped out every 5000 blocks. The oldest and least reliable validators are taken out of the active pool and swapped with ones in the standby pool. The churning process helps ensure that all the validators get a chance to be part of the validation process.

Since a validator can only really steal the funds from it’s outgoing vault, as it would not have the signatures required to try and pull from the incoming vaults, the bonding process provides the economic incentive not to try and pull this off. The outgoing vaults are only filled up to 25% of the total value of the bond, and if one of the validators acts in bad faith, their bond is slashed by the stolen value plus an extra 50%.

THORChain (RUNE) Token

The THORChain (RUNE) token is the base currency that powers the entire network. Every liquidity pool is setup as a pair with the native currency on the external blockchain, paired with THORChain (RUNE). It is also used to provide the incentives to the liquidity providers.

Transaction fees for the swaps and everything on the Thorchain network are also paid for using THORChain (RUNE). it is also used to subsidize the gas prices on the outgoing transaction side of it.

Finally, THORChain (RUNE) is a governance token which holders can use to vote on things like which blockchain should be added to the network next.

Additional Details

Since the nodes require access to the vaults, and handing out all the private keys would be very clearly a bad security risk. To combat this, Thorchain employs the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS), which is a much better version of a multisig wallet. It’s a baseline cryptographic function, and doesn’t rely on smart contracts, like multisig does, so it is not reliant on anything specific from the underlying blockchain.

Most of the funds in the network are stored in the inbound vaults, which are protected by the TSS keys. This makes them slower, but more secure, which is why most of the value is stored there. The outbound vaults are much smaller, restricted to 25% of the total bond on the node, and each of the nodes runs their own. This makes them much faster, but less secure, so they are limited in how much they hold, and they get topped up as needed from the incoming vaults.

The network employs a fixed network fee, as well as a slippage based trading fee. This means that trades that cause a greater slippage in price of the asset, are charged a higher trading fee, which makes it harder for bots and other traders to extract value from the liquidity pool using something like a sandwich attack.


Thorchain is a pretty useful Decentralized Exchange (DEX) which allows a cheaper way to move between different native cryptos. It is important to keep in mind that the blockchain powering the network is a fair bit more centralized that say the Ethereum (ETH) itself, but with the strong economic incentives, it manages to help shuffle some of that risk off.

It’s seeing greater adoption and growth, and as long as that continues, I can see this being a very large platform in the future providing a very valuable function.

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Want some more content right now? Check out some of my previous posts:

Ethereum 2.0
Ethereum Fee Burn (EIP-1559)
Impermanent Loss

A few referral links, in case you are interested in the service, and it also helps me out.

Binance – large centralized exchange – referral link saves you 10% on trading fees
Coinbase – basic crypto exchange – referral link gets you bonus crypto on first deposit
Cointiply – very good crypto faucet and earning site – no bonus for you on this referral unfortunately

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Amazing, this was such a comprehensive post about thorchain full of relevant details. I think this dex gonna roll. But what about somewhat similar projects like ICON. I am invested a small part in it. But not at all in thorchain. But I might consider after I have read this and buy some RUNE for a few pennies.

Best Wishes

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the other projects like ICON as well. Any project that is trying to actually innovate really does it for me. Thorchain for some reason just became the one that "caught my eye" first, so I've learned more about how it works than the others at this point.

I'll be doing similar articles for the other networks over time, as I learn the ins and outs of their systems as well.

It's hard to say what the price of RUNE is going to do, especially with the markets the way they are at present. The adoption and development on the network are both good indicators that the network should do good in the long term, but I've also seen projects that I've thought that about drop to zero.

So of course my usual advice of if you're going to invest, make sure you don't put in more than you are willing to let go to zero, because there are no guarantees in crypto!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most helpful advice, I also have seen things going extreme south from north. And indeed i only invest pennies unless I am sure and have done my own extensive research about the project. And I believe in it.

I will definitely take look into thorchain. Thanks for sharing.

Best Wishes

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey mate,

I love the content you're producing...

...But do you have any plans to start creating original content for LeoFinance?

It would be more beneficial for your external blog as the backlinks you're sending won't be from duplicate content.

While also being more beneficial for the LeoFinance community at the same time as it's also high-quality, original content being published here.

Win/win for both.

Let us know what your thinking around this is :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I may have to start doing that, I never considered the backlinks thing, as I'm still fairly new to content creation. Let me see where I can add some more article writing into my schedule, and I'll start getting some LeoFinance Originals coming out!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds good :).

You're a great writer and obviously know what you're talking about on crypto.

Even if they're just extra comments or discussions around the articles you write on your website, it'll be more helpful to both.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Nice write up of the technicals, I'm a big fan of Rune - one major thing to add...

If you lock up your funds in a pool for 100 days you get 100% Impermanent Loss protection!

The easiest way to start playing is with Trust Wallet wallet i for anything on Binance Chain and MetaMask for Eth works well too, with the former you'll pay CHEAP fees, the later ETH.

I tried to buy some Xrune the other day, the bastards wanted nearly $90 in fees so I opted not too!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh wow, I hadn't caught the part about locking up for 100 days means you get protection from impermanent loss, because that's a big consideration for me! Thanks for pointing that out to me!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta