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RE: Do you remember YAHOO ?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Ah yes, I remember all those names fondly.

The excitement of being able to search using the page from cNet. Building my first clumsy web site with GeoCities. The excitement of my first AOL account which had a "real" username, not just the weird series of numbers.morenumbers I had on CompuServe, my first online access. AOL diskettes everywhere!

I was a regular Yahoo user... sold on Yahoo Auctions along with eBay; ended up creating several communities on YahooGroups after they "ate" eGroups.

Of course... just to show that I truly am from the stone age, I also remember creating COBOL code on IBM 80-column punched cards; wrote my first BASIC program on 8-hole punched tape.

Ah yes, those were the days...


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