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RE: You Can't Get Fired From Hive: The Incredible Opportunity

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Indeed, you cannot get "fired" from Hive.

The things that amazes me the most about the entire scenario is how governments and "experts" keep insisting that there are "more and more jobs" even though more and more people are being permanently displaced by technology.

And "learn to code" is pretty much a lame excuse, not only because the world doesn't need that many coders, but AI is increasingly going to replace any need for someone to know how to code.

Ove the next 10(?), 20(?), 30(?) years, the entire definition of "job" will change to where every individual on the planet will become their own "economic center," both in term of income, economic impact generation and expenditure.

It'll be very interesting to watch it all unfold.



I am in the camp that tech is obliterating jobs. Actually, from my research, in the US, the peak was 25 years ago. This is something people do not mention.

Learning to code means nothing as we are seeing text and image-to-video software getting more powerful. Hell the AI is learning to code too.