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RE: Earning 24 Hours Every Day Has To Be The Only Way

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Passive income streams and the compounding of money are two of the most powerful pillars of wealth. Both growing it and maintaining it. Hive and Leo and Cub and the miners and some of these other tokens offer the people here that opportunity. All it takes is a little effort. Read, comment, vote. Do it every day, big or small, and you will grow your stake which then allows that stake to grow itself while you sleep.

If crypto and Hive are here to stay (which I fully believe they are) then now is the time to build. Forget about the price and focus on your stack. In five years, earning 100 (or 1000) more Hive because the price stayed low will be worth far more than having it jump to $2-$3 now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta