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RE: Final Thoughts: Perspective

in LeoFinancelast year

The biggest thing I learned from the 8000 words you've written on this over the last few days is that I no longer feel bad for not understanding it myself. This did help though. I think I now have a basic understanding of how it works and, more importantly, know where to find it if I ever want to really delve into it.

I'm with the first poster...we'll see if you can go 12 months. I'll take the under... :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ha only way I'm talking about it again is if Hive and HBD are spiking up so fast that the min(collateral) isn't enough. See you at 20x

Yeah seriously though this is such a seemingly simple topic that is wildly complicated in comparison to the expectation.

I agree. I tried arbitraging it once from BSC to H-E and best I can tell, I lost like 4 Hive. lol I never did figure it out exactly. Since then I've stuck with the simple stuff. If HBD breaks peg upwards, I sell any liquid I have into Hive and hope it holds serve until HBD comes back down. I don't mind getting Hive though so if it doesn't work, I don't feel bad.