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RE: April Not-Fools

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think I agree with every last word you just wrote. lol Don't forget that we're burning at last check about 12-15% of the new Cub, right? And if/when LeoBridge comes out, that number could spike substantially higher. That would mean that although the market cap wouldn't go up as fast, the scarcity would become even greater.

Incidentally, while I'm thinking about it, where is that burned Cub coming from? Does it mean that the dens and farms aren't distributing as much because a portion of the 1 Cub per block is being burned? That would lower APR, correct? But again, make it more scarce....

Just wondering and you seem just the guy to know the answer. :-) Keep up the great posts. Always fun and interesting to read.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


1 CUB per block is always the inflation rate, but CUB is being extracted from the LPs by the vault an destroyed. Essentially if you have money in the LP some of your CUB is being bought and destroyed. Den is safe from buyers though.