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RE: Splinterlands General Sale: What's the right move?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yes, I DO plan on holding onto a few packs for long-term and possible resale later. But not many. The difference between Chaos and Untamed is that there are 15M cl packs. That's a LOT of cards out there. I think it will take a few months before Chaos become worth a whole lot more than what they are now, but a lot will probably depend on how fast they sell out. If it takes a couple months, then why would you buy packs from anywhere but directly from #Splinterlands? If they go fast, then they'll probably rise in value fairly quickly. We'll see. As we both talked about in our posts, there are lots of ways to play this. Fortunately or unfortunately, the right way to do it will probably be dictated in a lot of ways by the luck of the draw on whether you pull good cards from the packs you do open. So, there's really no way of ever knowing unless you either strike out or hit the jackpot.