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RE: LBI earnings and holding REPORT - 2/4

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Nice to see the value continue to rise. If we can manage the 20% we originally set out to do every year we'll need to reach almost 2 LEO per 1 LBI by this time next year. I think it can be done. I still would like to see us adding some staked LEO every week. It would be nice to build the curation up to the point where we're earning 2500 LEO per week. I think we can get there.

Lots of exciting things coming down the pike for LEO in 2022. Let's just keep Getting Rich Slowly....Fast. Seemed to work out okay in 2021. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I agree with you. The idea of keep building LEO is important. We need another curation pool going. This would allow us to help spread things out even more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta