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RE: LBI getting into Beeswap LP's

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Absolutely! I'm in that pool myself. I like getting the Hive everyday and 25% is obviously a pretty good rate of return. Plus, as you say, we're supporting LEO which is what we're all about, right? Good find. I never would have thought of it for LBI.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I hope your not in for too much, your now counting LBI's % gains, baaaa-hahahaha.

First target is getting it to 4 figures adn we'll go from there :), thanks for the feedback

Signed into the wrong account and never noticed. SSUK

1.216% of the pool. So, not too much but a decent piece. Just think, if and when I leave the pool, the APR will go up for LBI. :-)

In the meantime, I'll expect my commission check in the mail. I told a couple people about the LBI price being on sale and they scooped up about 7000 off the market last night and this morning. lol I managed to get around 300 but they bought it all before I could get more. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Damn 7000, that's a ton. The HE market for LBI is something I never check. If they got them under true value, they got a bargain :)

They did. .14 and .15 Hive I think...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ohhh, that is cheap. What's LEO? the same price?

Hmmm, i might need to check in on this every now and then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, LBI could have actually bought it off the market, taken it out of the dividends equation, and then either distributed later as payment to curators, or even used it to raise money by selling it at 2 Leo or something down the road. I just figured you knew it was there. If I wanted to sell 8-10k, I'd probably talk to you first before just hammering the price on HIVE but that's just me....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta