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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Cubfinance V2 Day #3 (09/22/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Stick to HIVE people. These big-money, Wall Street backed outfits are too interested in monster gains to worry about getting their code right. Sometimes it seems like they might be doing it on purpose so that the SEC and government has an "opening" to get involved. Wouldn't surprise me...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Oh that is scary, that's the problem these guys will cause all the regulators to step in. Massive hype selling and unfinished products. Scary times

So a question on that front, is there any chance SEC and gov chase HIVE too like they did with the LBRY coin?

I don't think they can since HIVE is decentralized. They could go after individual nodes but someone else can always spin up a different node.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good luck finding a place to send the subpeona.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Been listening to Dan, he really makes it easy to buy into the idea that few blockchains are going to be able to withstand the threat of regulation.

Hive is one where there is no address or door to knock on. That is going to be big going forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, Dan makes a lot of sense.

All that is going to matter is truly decentralised projects with decentralised token distributions.

The 2nd part often being overlooked, but is key.

Hive is one of the few to tick both boxes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is one of the few to tick both boxes.

I do not think there is even one individual on Hive who has a 5% share of the token distribution.

That is rather uncommon with most blockchains. Look at Ethereum with Vitalik and then the foundation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is the most important and underrated aspect of Hive.

Wait for the lightbulb moment across the industry when they truly realise that true decentralisation is key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It wouldn't surprise me if they did but I wouldn't buying some BTC at $5k.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta