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RE: Loving PolyCub but...I think I love the original CUB even more.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Yes, to me it's all "free" money. You get 60% and the airdrop which should basically cover what you're putting in over the first year, possibly sooner.

That said, I do see why people are aping into PolyCUB right now. With those insane APYs, the amount of money to be made in the short term is pretty incredible. If you're comfortable getting in and out of LPs and transferring assets cross-chain, then I'm sure it's worth it. For me, I like to buy and HODL so I don't like chasing things around trying to squeeze every penny out of things.

I'm perfectly content getting the big returns on CUB and growing my stake on PolyCUB through the airdrop and pLeo farm. Knowing that I'll get a much larger airdrop on future platform expansions (which will enable me to get in early with a much bigger stake to the "x" Kingdom) without having to try and scramble around figuring out the new platform mechanics is enough.

We'll see. If the xPolyCUB ends up making everyone 100x or something, maybe I'll change my gameplan. But for now, this feels like a great way to make sure I'm benefitting from everything coming down the pike.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta