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RE: DAOs Are Going To Really Drive Governments Nuts

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Once this starts unfolding, we may finally see the governments forced to do away with the current tax system. That in and of itself would be a massive victory for the people. The only way they'll be able to generate revenue is through a consumption tax. Physical goods could still be taxed so the people actually buying things would pay the taxes rather than the people being taxed on earnings.

Obviously there will have to be some serious thinking put into how it all could, should, and would work but...payroll taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes would have to be the bulk of things so they'd have no choice but to hit the people who actually should be taxed, rather than building loophole after loophole for the politically connected to slip through.

The world is changing. The cat is out of the bag and there's no going back. Fortunately we have a sharp, level-headed leader right now who has done exactly zero for the country in his 50 years in politics.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Technology is the great disruptor. People do not seem to realize that it rarely affects one thing. For example, the automobile not only affected the buggy whip makers but also those who sold oats.

Cryptocurrency, in all its forms, is evolving into something that is going to really take out many governments. Extend this idea to the Metaverse and you see how it can really put an end to the governance system we have now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta