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RE: My job just sent me home from work because I refused to wear a mask

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I'm lucky that I got out of the place before they started forcing medical procedures on everyone. I know that is coming eventually.

I was dedicated for 8 years, but never once passionate. I felt like a drone being controlled by some nerd behind a computer.

You're right, comfort and masks don't go hand in hand. I can't even keep my damn Halloween mask on during that holiday without complaining. And that is actually fun!

I saw a few crazy videos of law officials trying to force people enjoying the outdoors alone with only their families to obey and wear a mask for literally no reason. That is straight tyrannical, no way around it. No way in hell a surfer out in the ocean by himself would ever need a mask (unless it scares sharks away). The same goes for a couple out hiking an empty trail together. Why would anybody ever think that going and disrupting their beautiful moment with some idiotic rule would ever make any sense?

Loved your rant. I live for actual conversations like this. Come back anytime my friend.


First, thanks for responding, I now realized that I still had your follow up post open on my laptop but totally forgot to read it as I was crafting stuff. Will do that later..

Although I know sometimes you have no other option than to work for employers, personally, I would have not been able to function in situations as you describe your old job. I even once quit a job (good pay) 2 weeks after they extended my contract because I could not deal with the incompetence lol. And I actually liked that job, go figure.

I felt like a drone being controlled by some nerd behind a computer.

I bet that it's the case for many, especially nowadays when they are forcing stuff on people. It's sad, what happened to being grateful for having hard workers that don't let you down, right?

The outdoor stuff you mention is mad! We have a running track here at every park, and the small park near our home also has one, since the last wave people are now running there with their masks on. Insanity! How can you think that's even healthy dude, sorry but I truly wonder how these people's brains function, thinking that it's needed and healthy? I can't even hold it up walking around for an hour without feeling in distress lol, imagine having to do sports with it.. :-)

And thanks, I will! Actually reading your post earlier today inspired me to write one about some frustrations I have regarding the pandemic. I finished it but it needs polishing so maybe I'll publish it tomorrow.

Responding to comments is part of my daily routine. Especially ones that are well thought out and excite me to start communicating. I'm psyched to know you and others actually enjoy reading what I have to share.

I don't have an explanation as to why I was able to deal with the foolishness for so long. Maybe there was some deeper reason for me being there. Whatever it was must finally be over. I will say that I've built my patience to an extremely high skill level. I also have the ability to communicate with literally anybody now. Both are very useful skills to obtain and which I wasn't a possessor of previously.

The sad truth is, most people's brains are not functioning. At least not to a very high degree. Synapses stop firing and forget how to whenever you let yourself get into a mundane routine. We forget how it feels to feel and experience. Luckily it can be remembered, it just takes valiant effort.

I'll try to stop by your post once you have it cleaned up and ready to go.

I find engaging very important, and I know it's a good thing to meet new people as well. But I've had several periods that I just could not get myself to do so constantly. Only publishing content was a struggle some days. Pretty stupid as now I've been commenting a lot since last week again and I instantly get rewarded for it by bumping on new people's accounts (new to me), discovering cool content, and also getting comments back myself on my own content. I guess I was stuck in my head or something for a while.

I've been pushing out content like a mad man last 9 days since I started again and I have many drafts lined up, can't find enough time a day lol.

I truly respect people that aren't in the same state of mind as the biggest group of people when they can deal with that kind of regime for so long. I probably got allergic to it about 6 years ago, and now I honestly avoid any person in real life that is still sleeping (let's call it that to avoid political statements lol). I just can't deal with the brainwashed versions of humans anymore. I have the luxury to do my thing, create content, do some other projects as self-employed rather than having to deal with bosses. Ugh.

Glad you got out!

It is a tiresome thing to do, communicating. Publishing is surely easier for me than commenting, but I try to do both as much as possible. It is worth doing your best with both.

Let's see you turn 9 days into 90, then possibly 900?

I can manage to be around people that are still asleep as you say. I prefer not to, but I won't outcast myself just because I'm ready for more and most are not. Still, I hang out with very few people in the real world.

I think a healthy balance is nice. But some days I don't feel it at all lol. That's why I try to create content upfront now while I'm super inspired.
With this rate, 90 is no biggy! 19 February it! Publishing at least one article a day. Let's do it!

I've done it before but also had a long period where I just couldn't.

Gonna do a final sprint finishing my Leofinance article for tonight as the home office will soon be taken by my boyfriend, lol.

wishing you a good day (or night!)

Every single day is different. If you feel that motivation to do something, jump on it while it is there. Daily until February, I think you can do it! Sharing is caring 😇

Yes, I try to do that now as well. While for a long time, I kept postponing. Now I feel like "drop it while it's hot" lol.

I will go for it, I can do it! Will you join me? Like a challenge to motivate each other?