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RE: HIVE and LEO Author Rewards | Authors Who Earn More in LEO Than in Hive

in LeoFinance4 years ago

$300+ for the top leo author :)

Note again here these are authors reward only. If we add the curation rewards for rolland he will be over 500$. This is great for a hive niche community!


Interesting view when curation (and some other LEO payouts) are factored in. Another run up in the price of LEO could mean we are getting close to a bunch of people earning a living off of LEO.

That will be a grand day when we arrive there.

Posted Using LeoFinance

That would be awesome indeed

I can't even imagine that at the moment, but that would be an incredible feat.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Oh, I didn't quite realize that, I just love to write about the markets...not sure how long I will be able to keep up this pace.

Posted Using LeoFinance