None of my business, now my business

in LeoFinance24 days ago


I was about to put up another financial article today and it just popped into my mind to be a little generally centered today. We just love talking about money and technology. Not bad though, what you love, do it and keep improving upon it. I must thank the Hive platform and the InLeo team for making us free writers. You never can tell, once in a while, a motivating or story sharing article could change someone's life or atleast make a better day.

Speaking of one, it's like I have been hooked into doing most of the things I cared less about. There had been several such things, especially when I was growing up. For instance, all I needed was food when am hungry, shoes when it weared out, school fees and Dad surprising us with a gift some days when he returned from work. So how does Dad and Mom meet up all this?; none of my [business]( As a kid you don't just care, we've probably passed through this stage, could we say it's natural?

Mostly it depends on how your parents could afford at least your basic needs that you felt no impact at all of what other children might be going through. It's not an easy task to be a parent. Not one yet but these I can assure you, even under the umbrella of wealth or financial freedom you'll have to put that extra effort to train up a reasonable child. The fact is this, if your child or children grows wild, the assets will end up in the 'wild wild west'. Hahaha, not really sure what that slang means, I have been hearing it and I assume it doesn't run smoothly.

I have grown and I have taken responsibilities. The more I advance the more I understand my parents were putting in much effort to see me and my siblings through. Perhaps, not that Bill Gates or Elon Musk standard yet, It takes love for someone in the name of parent to risk themselves and sacrifice the little they have just to see you smile. If this article helps you realize parental values you've been overlooking from childhood, then kudos to us all. If you still have them both around, it's another substantial opportunity to capitalize on and return the due love to them. I hope I am not over melting your heart?.

Are you good at minding your business?, it's my top priority. Could it be self centeredness, I don't know for others but as for me I try to extend warm hands to as many as I can. The fact is, I just love not being a burden so I spend my time mostly alone or a sensitive cycle. One of such sensitive cycles is my closest brother, business and my customer base. You know, it's them that bring in the money so staying up to date is definitely worth it. In short, I would say running a business is one of the 'none of my business that is now my business', seriously loving it.

What really triggered this article? Oh! I still remember, it was me being given a task to watch over the little ones and the household at large. My extended nephew and niece happened to be around and everyone seems too busy to monitor their activity and I have to step in. But I am also busy, I have my business to watch over on a daily basis both online and offline and other activities that make up my week. This they all know, yet the lot has fallen on me. I guess I can't run anymore, maybe a preamble ahead of me becoming a parent someday.

So yes it's me having to make sure they look organized, arrange spaces and environments with me also leading with example. So how do I meet up with all this? When something becomes your business, you'll devise means to fit in. It may be inconvenient yet a huge lesson and a stepping stone to see beyond what and who actually needs you. Sometimes we are not fully enjoyed by those around us and we tend not to be bothered. Can't blame us much anyways, meeting up with career and dream can be very hectic.

As I am writing, their responsibility call just came to me. Have I responded? Of course yes, if I don't fill in the gap, who will? Am I enjoying it?, can't really tell, all I know is, they've got me right where they wanted. It's the bond that makes people accept tasks, that's what makes up every family even in an external social community. So yes, I have some additional task these days and it's definitely one I wouldn't personally handpick. I have been robbed of my private time and 'they will fix it mentality. The reverse here is, I will fix it.

To conclude, let me add, we can't keep dodging forever or playing the ignorant game. Waking up to some responsibility can expose you to some life needing matters. We all have a part to play. Inasmuch much as I will try to keep my solo moments to renew strength and personal training I'll try to fit others in. I am beginning to see I am needed by others just as I am needing myself. I only hope I get the needed balance so that I don't jump off course. Trust me, I am not planning to end up like Jack.

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