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RE: Get Your Fees Under Control, or Fade-Away to the Competiton?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

BSC does not appeal to me because of its centralized nature. It sort of defeats the point of a blockchain. I think that sooner or later ETH will get its act together with respect to fees and there are other alternatives. I don't think BSC will go away but I also don't think its stay near the top is going to last forever.


I agree that decentralized is better for the future of everything. But the people putting money into things don't care. Look at XRP, created by bankers... I hope ETH does get things running more smoothly/quicker, as Binance is just a beast that will take shit over it seems. Top exchange in the world... if they go lower than #3, it's going to take a while before that ever happens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


people putting money into things don't care

Which I absolutely agree with you about, sadly, then the whole crypto space loses its point and is nothing more than an extension to the current traditional financial systems.

Just greedy people wanting to create more and more 'abundance' for their personal benefit.

And if I remember correctly, wasn't Binance in large part behind that whole mess with steemit when they staked other people's coins preventing withdrawal and then used that stake to vote? And then had the balls to claim ignorance? Sorry, I just can't see trusting them with a dime. I don't doubt a lot of people are going to make money with them. But buyer beware...they have a questionable track record.