Elon Musk's vendetta against inequality.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Halloween night is not the most thrilling thing that has happened in November, Elon Musk is . Elon musk is the CEO and co-founder of TESLA, SpaceX, and Boring companies, and currently the worlds richest man. Such a status calls for extravagant expectances from the people of Earth, such as him having the most viewed tweet on Twitter just after he acquired the company.
Elon made promises of bringing equality to the platform and also free speech, an idea that seemed to generate mixed reactions. Many described Elon as a “ Toddler in the drivers seat” Claiming Elon would end up ruining what the platform stands for. Others shared some positive reviews claiming Elon as the CEO would bring an end to the unjust verification systems and also the unjust deletion of accounts due to vague reasons. Elon Musk has made his move, he finally implemented his war against inequality on Twitter.
Anyone can get verified. Definitely a dream come true for many Twitter users, but of course it wouldn’t be free. Users who feel the need to get verified would have to pay eight dollars and they would be verified If and only if they meet the requirements.
Huge amount of backlash has erupted from users, with popular names leaving the platform for good. It seems those who loved the idea to begin with have turned against Elon after the update and some claim the “blue tick” has lost it’s value. But has it really?
Elon musk might look too energetic and act like it, but he is quiet simple minded. Making the blue tick a paid-to-earn system consequently keeps the value of the blue tick, this time around the rich and poor can have access to it if the are able to pay just eight dollars, this is in fact the meaning of equality. Elon has also reduced the censorships of the platform, now people can make free speech without being worried about being cancelled or have their account deleted by Twitter. Also bot accounts that randomly spam your inbox and posts and are mostly misleading have all being deleted.
Elon Musk took a bold step, one that wouldn’t be loved by many but its’s also the right thing to do. I personally have high hopes for the future of the platform.
What do you feel about the new Update to Twitter.

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There was no update to Twitter of any kind, and Blue verification is paused with no product being delivered.

Most of the info you most likely got from incorrect sources and news outlets that repeat the same thing like parrots speculating what it may mean.

Twitter is not free speech, they didn't change their policy, and Musk himself assured that users will adhere to the laws and regulations of the government of which country they are part of.

So, independent journalists and freedom fighters in countries that are run by oppressive governments can get their accounts confiscated, their identities revealed, and they can end up even jailed and executed based on that statement.

He wants a single centralized entity powered by GOVERNMENTS, that endorses a government, and honor their rules, not people, privacy or free speech. Yesterday I made an analysis with shadowban bot, 10% of the first 200 Hive members from Nathan Mars Twitter list (containing in total 2000 users) are shadowbanned.

And the same bot is suspended from Twitter, so that we as users have no idea what is happening.

Throughout history, many have tried, in a different form to centralize something - power, influence, state, money. The only thing these megalomaniacs achieved is many, many either dead or enslaved people.

Personally, I don't have high hopes. A product I wanted to see integrated ( Revue blog/news platform) is by last reports scheduled for deletion and cryptocurrency integration is put to ice.
International Blue verification release is postponed basically indefinitely as the first domestic release will happen at 29th or later.
And it is not for rich and poor equally, it is only for the people who CAN pay and to whom is available. So, all the rest will be pushed into obscurity, either by lack of options or because of the shadowbanning.