The Long & Winding Road to 25k・My Hive Goals for 19 June 2023

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Another week and another report on my Hive Goals! Be sure to read till the end for my 5 SBI giveaway. (and leave a comment if you want to be a part of my next SBI giveaway!)

There are currently just a few coins I'm focusing on in the Hive ecosystem. These are Hive itself, HBD, SPT, PIMP, and BRO. I'm also stacking DEC and SPS, but I'm not focusing on buying them, just keeping whatever I make from posting, playing the game and renting and stacking it.

So let's dive into each of these.

~ Hive & HBD ~

My current goal is 25k Hive.

How will I get there? I post everyday and so a quarter of that automatically gets added to the total powered-up. In addition I try to power up at least 50-100 every HPUD.

This past week I made 128.590, bringing me to 15,714.99 total Hive Power. That's 62.9% of my goal!

So let's see where we are... 25k minus 15,714.99 is 9285.01. Taking the completely arbitrary end date of the first day of next year and we get a total of around 47.4 Hive needed everyday to reach the goal.

Hurm... even higher this week. I'm losing ground here. Digging more into the stats I see my average post earning for the past week was down. Ho hum. I think I write pretty good quality posts, but seems like the whales and orcas of Hive still don't agree with me on that. Oh well. I'll stubbornly keep writing them, as I have for the past 5.5 years! Maybe this week will do a little better.

~ BRO ~

My overall goal here is 1000 BRO to make it into dragon club, but progress has been stalled for the past few months, simply because I haven't been buying any. As I keep saying, my major goal is increasing my Hive Power this year, so most everything is going towards that. This may or may not be a mistake. Feel free to let me know your thoughts either way in the comments.

But that's not to say I haven't been gaining any BRO at all. I have been getting about .2 BRO per week, almost all of it from my brofi delegation. Yeah that isn't a lot, but it is better than nothing.

If you are not curating with your HP, you might consider delegating some to brofi. They will send you a small drop of BRO every day based on the size of your delegation. Right now it is right around 10%, which isn't bad. It's not as good as the 20% interest we can get from HBD, but you have to consider with Bro you also get an upvote based on your holdings (if you write a good quality post) and you get a weekly Hive dividend, again based on the amount of Bro you hold.

Those things in mind, I think delegating to @brofi is a great deal. Now do keep in mind the price of Bro is high, so that 10% doesn't amount to a ton. I delegate 500 Hive and I get about 0.015~0.2 Bro per day. Anyway, it's a good option that you might consider.

I am up to 457.630 BRO by the way. Still a far way from that 1000 level, but I'm not unhappy where I am. After I reach 25k HP, I might start to focus on Bro again. Hopefully the price waits for me and doesn't go up.

~ Daily Dab ~

I just want to mention this once more because the presale will be finished in just a few days. This is a joint project between @silverstackeruk and @raymondspeaks. Anyone who has been on Hive for any time probably has some awareness of SPI and of Bro. Many of you probably have regret at not buying into these projects early. Well, here's your chance to get into this one!

Each Dbond will cost you 1 Hive, so about 30 cents each at the time of this post. That's a great price to buy into a new project! You can read the details of how it will work here. Basically if you choose to stake the dbonds you buy, you will receive a daily reward of DAB tokens. You can choose to hold or sell those Dabs. If you hold them, then you can either get Hive dividends on your holding or more dbond tokens based on whether you hold the dabs liquid or staked. Stake those dbonds and the whole cycle grows. You see how this can spiraling upward.

SPI and EDS have both done really well, and of course Bro has done amazingly well, so just based on that project history, we might expect great things from Daily Dabs. The presale ends on the 21st. Even if you don't have much Hive to spare, it might be worth picking up a few. If nothing else, you may be able to flip them as soon as the presale ends and FOMO hits the market. I won't be doing that but I'm sure plenty of folks will try it.

(please go read the official post before you buy, just in case I summarized it badly)

Before we go, let's do the giveaway. I am giving away 5 SBI on every Hive Goals post to five commenters. If there are more than 5 commenters, I'll do a drawing. If less, then I'll split them up as best I can.

Last week I had comments from @bozz, @trumpman, @leo.tasks, @pulubengdugs, and @oadissin. Exactly five! That makes it easy. Each of you will get 1 share of SBI!

Same deal for this post—leave a comment and you might get a share of SBI!

And forward we go! It was a strong week. Let's see how this coming one goes!

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

Checking... I find that I still have the same 78 SBI balance when I first migrated over from Steem to Hive. I got them generally as prizes spread over various writing initiatives back then. I still don't understand how they work but happy to have them.
Good luck with those goals.

I definitely don't understand the mechanics behind it. @josephsavage has built some kind of magic to do that over the years. He might be a wizard. But on the surface level, I get the upvotes on every post and that's all that matters.

Thank you 😃

No wizardry, just thinking outside the box.

Just the thing a wizard would say.

Thank you very much
You will reach your goal

I hope so! Thanks!

Thanks! I always love adding more shares to my SBI bag. I kind of stopped doing that a while ago and I really need to start back up. Best of luck to you on your goals.

I've always been a fan of SBI since it started. It's a really great program. So I love to spread it to people, and of course benefit myself in doing so.

Yeah, I hear you there. I always kind of forget about it. It is a great program and I am glad the people who were misinformed about it stopped countering the votes.

thanks for the SBI! and happy fathers day if you are celebrating! your goal seems a bit high but its not that impossible. just buy the missing hive then you reach your goal. ;P.. but you still got plenty of time, half a year! still plenty of opportunities. good luck!

Thanks for the well wishes. Happy fathers day to you too!

hah just buy the missing Hive... why didn't I think of that?? It's so simple! 😜



You seem to be making good progress on your goal. I wish you the best of luck there. 👍


Woohoo, moar moar, gimme me moar!

How many Dbond did you get? :D

So far only about 300, but I'm going to try to buy more last minute before the presale ends.

Neat! :D
Its going to be good!

Do have to check that Dbond project. I'm very near of reaching my goals this year, I'm focusing mainly on Hive and HBD savings. And taking a more attentive eye to all the hive gaming, I see some potential in the new games! Goog luck on reaching those goals! !BEER

There is a ton of potential with Hive gaming, I agree. If I had more time, I'd check them all out. As if I invest in thgaming to get my gaming exposure.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

I will give that dabs scheme a look. :)