Decentralized Social Media and Reputation Score

in LeoFinancelast year

One of the things that you would find on decentralized social media platforms is the reputation score. I don't know if this reputation score exists on Web2 social media platforms and I don't know either if this reputation score doesn't exist on some of the decentralized social media platforms.

But what I do know that we have this reputation score here on Hive. This reputation score is more of a motivating factor for users like myself because it's something that I also want to achieve a good reputation score on Hive.

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People with a good reputation score are typically considered to be the ones with a good influence in the platform. Reputation score could either go up with more people upvoting your content or it could go down with downvotes.

Users with low reputation score are sometimes considered to be scammers, controversial etc. And it could also be possible that a particular user get downvoted all the time for some other reason like personal grudges, a dislike etc which ain't good at all. But at the same time, there could also be users getting upvotes for personal liking, alt account upvotes, back scratching etc.

That being sad, people with a good reputation score may have the privilege of enjoying a good status and good rewards among the community for users liking their content and trusting them.

Users with a good reputation score also are considered to be the ones with some recognition, familiarity and influence in the platform.

What do you think of the reputation score on decentralized social media platforms like Hive itself?

These are my personal thoughts. One could disagree.

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