Don't You Think Hivewatcher Thugs Are Doing More Harm than Good to Hive?

in LeoFinance11 months ago (edited)

Okay so my posts started getting downvoted by the Hivewatchers with a bunch of thugs who don't seem to be having any good sense.

They look more like a bunch of retards with a good amount of ammo targeting users on Hive making them think of leaving the platform.

How many have left Hive because of these thugs? I guess many.

And the reason for their downvotes wouldn't make any sense sometime. But as I said, the lack good sense, so this is what you could expect from them.

They also kick you out of the group if they don't have the answers :D

Well, if you do need Hive to thrive, Hive have to bridle these thugs.
