How to Check Your Wallet History With Arkham Intelligence

in LeoFinance11 months ago (edited)

Hello friends.

I have found about Arkham lately signed up and gone through the website. Frankly I joined Arkham just for the airdrop but browsing through the website, I found something nice and that is how it provides you with your wallet history.

I was impressed though with it.

Checking Wallet History

  • Sign up on Arkham.
  • Click on your name

  • Click on +.

  • Paste your wallet address

That's it. You will have your wallet on website where you could check your wallet and your wallet history.



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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


We can check Hive wallet history with this website??
What is the airdrop to join it?

Not Hive... Trust wallet etc.
Can't say about Airdrop.