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RE: Community Token Talk Podcast - Ep. 73 | Latest in Web3

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Yeah, unifying under common set of values is exactly what people do when they created nation state. This is a great historical paralel. When nation state failed to serve people and words on the banners are empty the new entity of that scale is needed, to fill the gap.

That's exactly why embracing being a first Network State is great for idea for Hive marketing-wise. Not only because it is catchy. But because it is actually truth that goes beyond empty marketing bullshit and empty communication of states.

It's not a surprise that people might see Hive as a cult, this is the closest metaphor of the group of people organized around some idea they can come up with. And this one is terrible one to market :D

Thanks for another great podcast. Cheers!