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RE: Looking for Paradise in Tasmania on a Budget

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Sometimes I just feel more and more out of the loop; like I got left behind by the times!

There are some beautiful properties there, to be sure but the whole idea of "a million dollar house" makes me shudder. Property prices are nuts! I say that, and here in the USA, our lovely house (which we paid about +/- USD 200K for, 12 years ago) evidently has a current market value of USD 880K! How did that happen? We didn't have 400% inflation in 12 years... and our incomes sure didn't go up 400%!

Anyway, good luck with the house hunt!


Same here..we bought for 300 k, a year ago we had it valued at 700 k and now it's at 950k??? It's definitely a sellers market.