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RE: Wen Altseason

in LeoFinance3 months ago

If all your money is in one bag you are betting on an exception, not a rule, and you might end up holding a zero-pump bag.

I absolutely needed to hear this. I don't have enough to buy a big bag in even one project right now, but if I did, I more than likely would spread the money around.

I think many people make this big mistake of stacking only one particular coin because of their over confidence in it, which they end up regretting eventually. I see this especially with Bitcoin fam boys. But their case is a bit better because by all means, Bitcoin will see a bull. But how much of a bull is the question. Like you said, some alts will outperform Bitcoin, and this will be an extra advantage to a Bitcoin fanatic who also diversifies into alts.

These are some very insightful thoughts and narratives, fren:) Glad to have come across this.