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RE: Finally, A Legendary; Buying & HODLing 110 Packs. (The Player's Dilemma)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I have this innate fear of not doing well on Splinterland. Maybe it's because I was lashed sporadically the last time. I told myself I'd take the time to learn more before going back again which takes time, but I think I was traumatized. I discovered maybe I can't deal with failing afterall.

However, I still want to go back but not before I understand how it really works. Those symbols and numbers are all new to me but With time...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


As at September last year, I knew nothing about Splinterlands, I had that same fear, I wouldn't really say I know it all, but at least i've gotten some useful knowledge. Overtime, my decisions are bound to pay off, but for now I just want to take the bold steps to keep learning, keep accumulating as well as putting in the little funds I have. You should too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta