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RE: Why Businesses Must Focus on Quality as Part of the Key Elements of Becoming a Successful Brand

in LeoFinancelast year

Still sounds funny to me...
Run a blog outside of Hive and sometimes pay freelancers writers on Fiverr to write contents for blog if i dont have the time to create the content or busy with work.

How is it machine-generated? if the content is created by human?
before publishing content created by a freelance writer on my blog, i always check to ensure it is original.

Only publish freelance writer content on my real blog outside of hive. decided to publish one meant for personal blog and you say it is machine-generated?


Publishing fraudulent content from your ghostwriters who effortlessly use Chat GPT to generate writing for them, does not make the content legit.
The account also appears to be part of the well-known, mass fraud scheme Project Hope, created by crypto.piotr .
The account is now blacklisted.