When Work Doesn't Seem Like Work

in LeoFinance2 years ago

If you haven't quite found something that you do and you're completely absorbed in it - such that time passes and you hardly know; then you haven't found something that you're passionate about. Many great men have talked about this feeling, where you wake up in the morning and all you can thinking about is getting to work.


For the majority of the public, this is the direct opposite, as most people wake up each morning wishing that they don't go to work, and that they spend the entire day doing something they love and enjoy. But just imagine for a minute, that you were paid to do that exact thing that you love, wouldn't life be great?

That's exactly what some businessmen have been able to create for themselves - a business that they're so passionate about, that taking a day break will be like killing them. This is the reason you find passionate people working into the weekends. Their work is their best friend. They'll rather be working than doing anything else.


At this point, we can all say that - work doesn't seem like work anymore. And life has meaning. For most people they just keep on walking the face of this Earth, everyday wondering if there was more. But for a man who has been able to make money from his work that he loves doing, he finds fulfilment in his existence.

He doesn't spend time looking at his wrist watch waiting for closing time, so that he can go home. If you haven't found this kind of work, that you're so passionate about - you just have to keep on searching. It's when you're doing something that you love so much, that you're able to put in the number of hours required for great accomplishments to be made.

Thanks for taking time to read!



This is the ideal lifestyle to have, but it takes some experimentation and risk taking to get there. And even once you reach it, there will still be challenges you need to face throughout life. Thanks for your thoughts.

This post poses a constant and permanent challenge to be able to get paid to do what we love, this being an approach that breaks the paradigm of conformity and labor traditionalism, while helping to free ourselves from bournott and other occupational diseases that so much they wreak havoc.

Thanks for sharing!