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RE: Digital Abundance is Scarcely Valuable

in LeoFinancelast year

My nephew is in process of getting his degree and I realized that ChatGPT has made writing the code irrelevant. Which means we are in a phase where AI is slowly replacing people and we have to take break before we can let AI settle and find out what we can do as a job while AI works in background. These are interesting times, but also it's kind of pessimistic times for careers and the the future ahead.

Getting skills is not the problem, the AI and the machines taking over and making those skills irrelevant is the problem.


Getting skills is not the problem, the AI and the machines taking over and making those skills irrelevant is the problem.

Exactly. And the fact is, that it is like chess - sure, maybe there is a handful of people in the world who could beat the machine sometimes, but that means the millions of other chess players are useless.