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RE: Web3 Will Be Bigger Than People Think

in LeoFinance8 months ago

There is a point to that. Posting only in German and without writing under the umbrella of a community is a bit like talking to yourself, especially since the German-language posts here have declined sharply.
But that has to do with my work on the Web2 platforms. There I am active in giving advice especially to Germans who are traveling and working abroad. And you may know that the Germans are a special people with even more special laws. That would just bore everyone else.
Since I don't have an audience for that here, all that's left are the more or less moody posts about my daily life.
I tried travelogues or photography once, but I got bored, perhaps because I'm generally bored with that sort of thing now. There is too much of it and I would just join the masses of untalented people.

I can still invest and vote here without having to center all my creative work on this platform. That's why I was a bit puzzled by that aspect in your previous response.
If I look back over the years, especially in my older accounts here, I notice that the images no longer show up and the loading times are agonizingly long. That's precisely why I stopped sharing my posts from this platform. It's pretty embarrassing to spread around dead links. That's something I don't encounter with my other platforms.
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to speak ill of Hive. I genuinely enjoy writing here and previously on Steem. But, in my opinion, it hasn't quite turned out to be the game-changer I had hoped for, especially compared to what I envisioned seven years ago.

Thank you for your inspiration. I am not an advocate of the centralized web. I was just addressing the lack of motivations for most creators here. I don't think I have a very exotic opinion on it, otherwise 3speak and also the text based posts would be overflowing with new users. In fact, it doesn't seem to be growing at all or only very moderately. And there must be a reason for that, right?


There is a good reason for that ... crypto is in a bear market, and anything crypto-exposed has to deal with the ups and the downs. Hive grew massively in the bull two years ago, and has shrunk tremendously ... the crypto market itself shrunk 70-95 percent in that same time! But again: if patterns hold, it will grow again by that much in the next two years and probably more. And, you may check this by where Hive is growing: anywhere in the world where the division of money on Hive is considerable. Not where the dollar or euro or pound are primary ... not yet ... but because of the growth in usage where Hive is being consistently used, that may add tremendously to Hive's rise in the long run.

Hive is indeed a work in progress ... I stay in my chosen domains and occasionally I do have trouble with photos and images ... but I do understand working with startups, and I do realize where we are in the crypto market.

No, indeed, you need not center all your creative output here. I do not think you are an untalented person, and no one platform may rightly contain you. We all have real lives, and Hive is a piece of it, not a god. Web 3 is a piece of life for some in the same way. So too Web 2, and Web 1. Everyone may pick and choose and craft what they need from all of it ... but in the long run, Web 3 may well take a larger place for many.