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RE: Reunion: The Pressure To Establish Financial Advancement.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

That social pressure is most pronounced in Nigeria because for us success is defined by cars, houses, iphones and everything material you can accumulate. It gets worse because these days, we have a new generation of "prosperity preachers" who emphasize these things in the lavish lifestyle they live and in the messages they preach, thus increasing the hunger for getting these material things at any cost.

It is a sad reality, but if these mentality must go, we have to be all hands on deck to attack it from every angle. We must be able to aggressively say that the amount of money a man has in the bank does not define who he truly is. We must be able to say with every confidence that can be mustered under the sun " people should never be judged based on their material possessions"

Thanks for always being an Inspiration @josediccus