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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Thank you, Asher! @abh12345 I am really fortunate that way, and because of the two challenges, it is difficult for me to be able to get much of the outside engagement. But , I say that first place or tenth or anywhere on the chart means you're engaging somehow. I hope you had a fun day at the beach! Have the best evening ever! Thank you again.


Hi Denise, yes I know the feeling - even when I am on a going week it is still tough for me to get good scores on the metrics which involve engaging outside own posts.

As you say though, if you are in the top ten (and even placing in the top 100) then you are doing well and deserve credit.

It is roasting hot here and so I hid under an umbrella at the beach and in the water, thank you!